Saturday, June 16, 2007


This afternoon we went to Ever Gotesco mall… yup, me and my cousins again, they are practically the only people in my social circle… well, except for a few of my classmates. Ah, I am a total pariah. *sigh* Do I seem like I care? Cause, you know… I uhm, don’t. Alright, so back to the small trip to the nearest mall from our house, just one tricycle ride away. On the way to the main entrance of the mall, there were a lot of sidewalk vendors that we passed through… the most peculiar thing about that is I realized that… most of these people who are supposed to be impoverished are fat. No, don’t get me wrong… this rant aint about weight, *lol* it partially mentions that though but it is not the main theme. So okay, they are a bit heavier than I think they should be, because they are hard-up should they not look the part or even just a bit emaciated? I am talking about those people who solicit money and garbed in a very convincing poor-person-who-direly-needs-help get up. They beg for money and they are even healthier than you, what gives with that? Just thought I’d share this piece of observation I made.

Another thing that amazed, and still does, me is how fair just isn’t fair enough when it comes to the matter of complexion. I noticed a profuse amount of whitening creams, whitening soaps, cleansers, toners, lotions… lots and lots of it. The local grocery stores and a lot of stores that sell beauty products are practically overflowing with these whitening agents. They just can’t seem to get enough of it. I know it is terribly natural for a society that idolizes a Westernized standard of beauty (or East Asian, specifically South Koren where all those koreanovelas are spawned) to act this way but it is just sometimes galling. You know like, for an instance, I have a friend who I can probably say is close to being fair as a bean curd, and almost all the time she hammers everyone about how dusky she thinks she is now because of some hollow basis… and it is just flat-out annoying cause she is almost as white as paper but she just won’t stop trilling every one about how dark she think she has gotten every time its sunny and when it shines on her precious porcelain skin. I don’t mean to be so anal about it… but if you know you are fair, just keep your lips shut and try not to make a big deal out of every time you think you have gotten a teeny bit darker from yesterday, cause that… is just a horrible, horrible thing to do. You’ll drive people away.

Personally, I think tanned skin looks more attractive and charismatic. But back then, when I was still in middle school and trying to earn good grades by skipping classes, I was one of those people who thought fair was the ideal color of a beautiful skin tone. It just goes well with almost anything you wear. Be it the ugliest piece of attire, if you are white, it’ll look good on you. That was my discernment of how one should look to be considered pretty to my eyes. I loathed dark-skinned people and identified them as either dirty or don’t take a shower daily. I am over that now, that was me as a juvenile. I have a broader sense of perception now when it comes to things like that.


I write more passionately and effectively when I am in the grip of an inordinate rage.
That is probably it. And Oh, in case you are wondering, no I ain’t mad right now.


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