Friday, April 27, 2007

Happy trip


How I wish I had not said what I did, if only words can be taken back or better, time.

Wishful thinking.

- - - -

A trip down to the outskirts of shameville carving my name on marble and erecting a statute for that little malodorous blooper.

I was looking for the building they so named VSB… at the 3rd floor, it’s where I’ll supposedly find my unsociable classmates and my illustrious S.H.T.(yes, sht… sounds a little familiar eh? *lol) professor, Mr. A.

Out the main gate I go ambling past the lethargic security guards who were pretending to be busy checking students’ bags for anything suspicious, I reckon, that’s rather unlikely. Opened up my `red umbrella for I cant let the sun graze my ruddy face, then slowly promenade forth the yawning unfamiliarity I call, a new school, and to that building I was supposed to be in. Feeling all aware of the invisible stares thrown at me by the surrounding audience, and the sweltering heat sprawling up within me… I…


One step,
Two step,
Three steps…

Walk an inch of a step…

Oooh… I caught a glimpse of a building that sort of fits the description provided for me by one of my cousins who graduated there and claims her temporary amnesia when it came to the matter of classroom locations.

`I have to walk fast, I don’t want to be late...
I said to myself, with my eyes still fixed at the building.

Feeling all awkwardly demure in my nursing uniform, surreptitiously swearing in my head how simply impractical it is to wear such inhibiting clothes. Chin up… Uneasy… walking like how a silly Japanese geisha would in her kimono. Okay, that is an exaggeration… but its close to that.

With umpteen students marching with me, plenty in front and more behind… heading towards the same building, I dislike to think. The scenery was practically painted with these white glaring school uniforms, and it would be pretty obvious if there was one person in civilian who’ll stroll with the bunch.

I tripped.

And as I said, with all that white… it would be pretty obvious if someone made a fool out of themselves just like I did. Imagine me on all fours, with my 3 inch heels and freaking unnaturally short nursing uniform (well at least it is unnatural for me). My umbrella flipped out of my grasp to some far away place unreachable for me that time, considering my discomfited position.

A classmate of mine, from my previous class picked it up for me.
You know what he said,

“Oh! It’s you… “ and stifles a giggle while he handed out the errant umbrella to me.

Shocked and Humiliated like I never was before.


Good thing, there was no razor blade in sight.

~What just sucked is that nobody even bothered to help me up. Tsktsk. What a Cold, Cold world.



Anonymous said...

wat an adventure eh?

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have seen that:) I'm sure you look sexy in a nurse's uniform and crawling on your hands and knees. hehe. You're a very descriptive writer and I enjoy reading the articles. You have a way of making me feel what you're feeling and experiencing.

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