Sunday, June 10, 2007


I feel soooo mad at everything right now. Why can't I say anything... why do I have to follow through what they tell me... why must we all be severely deprived and reprimanded by our very own nature? Can you not see the injury you brought upon the little girl inside of me? You taught me of life and its beauty, of the feelings intrinsically hardwired inside of me... but why must I torture myself in holding everything back just so you'd approve of me? What is so wrong with acting on my emotions... if I am youth then I should be brass, brazen ... so abandoned of sanity... but why must I be consumed with guilt when I do things people of my demographic do?

Life is such a freaking tease...

This is a crappy society that we live in...
With even crapper people who live in it...
Blind people who couldn't care less what happens to people around them or to what is around them.
Who couldn't care less who they step on to satisfy their self-absorbed whims.

No, I am not particularly infuriated with anyone. :)
There is one person though.

Control my mind...
Put me in chains...
Tell me I am a slave to myself...
Dont let me possess anything
that is reality.

- - - -

I am working on a new blog right now... but I will still be posting here.


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