Friday, October 5, 2007

I dont want to go back

Everything seems to be getting out of hand and is slowly slipping away from my control. The more I try to get a firm grip on things the more they manage to slip away from me. Life has truly become an utterly capricious thing out to pull tricks on me using its clever machinations comprised of fate and droll humor. My going to school here in Manila might be bunged by the adverse turn of events that had come into play the past couple of days. Although my mom tried to keep it from me, I was bound to find out anyways one way or the other. I just got the news from my Tita that my mom plans on sending me back to Tacloban and put me to school there. Though I reckon the place I am presently staying in isn’t what one would call “quaint”, it’s a bit shabby, poorly ventilated, and home to a wide range of amusing characters… rats that enjoy prancing about on the roof at night, cockroaches that has a taste for chocolate, and black ants that appear out of the blue each time I decide to have dinner in my room, I do like staying here. If not only for pecuniary reasons, and the time it takes for me to get to school… I would have loved to carry on hanging about here. I’m halfway to actually finishing this course of study that I’ve opted for, and I wouldn’t want to delay that any further. I’ve already missed a year, and I don’t want my going back and transferring to another school yet again, to add to that. And I like my college now, not many people know me, but those that do don’t actually give a care about me being around, and I like to keep it at that. When I am here, I feel like I could do better, and that I could actually transform myself to be like those kids who make their mom proud and feel that they had done well with the rearing of their children. I know it isn’t a good idea to run away from your past as running away from a mad dog. And even if I tried, I can’t because it’s a part of me and will always stay as that… I am so fatigued. I feel like I’m in a limbo.

Please listen to me first, and we’ll see what we should do.

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I have this big debate coming up on Monday, and this invitation card that I’d have to design for that particular event. The debate focuses on how Men’s Magazines affect today’s society and my stand on the chosen topic; if I think it immoral or not. You know those magazines like FHM, Cosmopolitan, and whatever magazines that market pictures of half-naked or utterly nude pictures (but without explicit exposure of private parts such as the areola) of women. I proposed that pornography would be a better term for our topic, but they refused. They indicated that the word “PORN” from pornography might alienate the audience because it’s a bit too crude for them. Oh well.


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